Script Scrap

Exploring the languages in the web of technology

Programming Syntax

Syntax is the way a command can be written and a description of what is allowed and what is not allowed.

Here I will use the standard syntax layout unless I have a good reason to do otherwise with italics indicating something that the user customizes and square bracket indicating something that is optional. For instance the PHP if command syntax:

if (test) {

indicates that you start by typing if (. Then you type whatever condition you want to be evaluated. Then you type ) { then it is optional to place one or more statements here. Then you finish the if statement with a }.

Here is a table of common PHP commands:

addition $x+$y
subtraction $x-$y
multiplication $x*$y
division $x/$y
modulus $x%$y
exponentiation pow($x,$y)
absolute value abs($x)
round up ceil($x)
round down floor($x)
round to digits round($x[, $digits]
cosine cos($x)
sine sin($x)
tangent tan($x)
logarithm log($x[, $base])
minimum min($x[,$y,...])
maximum max($x[,$y,...])
random number rand([$min,$max])
square root sqrt($x)
if statement if (test) {statements;} [else[if (test)] {statements;}]
print statement print string;
variables $x=number,string,array, or other type of variable
arrays (brackets are literal) $i[position]
strings "string" or 'string'

There are many more PHP commands. Many books have been written about PHP and the on-line documentation is very good and includes all the commands.